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I almost stopped myself from a great experience 4 years ago when I was offered my first opportunity to host a live radio talk show. Before I was offered this opportunity, I first came onto the show as a guest. Then I came back on as a cohost. The host and I developed a really good relationship and we seemed to have this good synergy/connection with working together. Because of this, there was trust built...


Oops, who has walked down the wrong aisle before, even though they’re now all clearly marked with arrows? Did you go backwards? Maybe continue on and hope nobody saw?   Maybe you just felt stuck.   Wow. Things sure are different than they were before. This extends to all aspects of life: there aren’t as many opportunities in travel, both outside of business and in. I understand how some people may feel as the opportunities...


It is okay to ask for help.  In fact, in my humble opinion not only is it okay but asking for help actively shows maturity and confidence.   if this one hits a little “close to home” rest assured, I wasn’t thinking of you as I wrote it …… honest! For some reason, I’m still meeting so many business owners that seem to think the best way forward is to do it all yourself.  With...


Networking is a great tool for your business for a number of reasons. Networking can also make some people feel reeaally uncomfortable.  In this blog, we let you know some of the benefits of networking, give you some helpful tips if you are new to networking (or attending a new network) and some conversation starters to help ease the nerves of attending those first few meetings. There are soooo many things you can do to...


A message to members (and visitors!) with regards to the in-person meetings. We have had a number of people ask us when our in-person meetings will start again.  We’ve seen other networking groups start to have in-person meetings.  We are all about “you do you” and wish these networks all the best.  If you feel comfortable attending these meetings, we fully respect your decision to do so. CNBN made the decision early on to not...


Connect Now Business Network strives to enrich the community and stands firmly committed to creating a group that supports inclusiveness and diversity, which means welcoming and accepting all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, LGBTQIA+, ability, socio-economic class, age or spirituality. As a direct reflection of our core values, diversity cultivates conversation, collaboration, and deeper understanding of one another. Diversity and inclusiveness enrich our group and our communities. All are welcome! Our goal...


“Support Small Business”, “Keep it Canadian”, “Shop Local” …. Which messaging should you choose? I’ve seen all three of these phrases used recently and each of them holds merit in their own right.  Below I’ll let you know why I prefer one of them above the others.   Support Small: As a small business owner myself this one holds dear to my heart! Of course we have all heard it said that the Walmart’s and...


How to keep your head business, when everyone about you is losing theirs. From time to time it is going to happy.  The world gets a little wonkey and the word “recession” starts getting bounded around news broadcasts, social media and eventually into your networks.  News and Social Media thrive on panic and exaggeration.  Fear sells.  However your network should be a place for stalwart support and guidance.  So here we are telling you, when...


Entrepreneurship is NOT about taking RISKS. It’s about mitigating risks. It’s almost a cliché in business. You must be a risk-taker to be an entrepreneur: “it’s all about taking risks”.  Even the iconic Canadian Chris Hadfield is quoted as saying: “Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk, whether it’s starting a new business, whether it’s leaving home, whether it’s getting married, or whether it’s flying in space.” Even Facebook founder Mark Z...


What sets you apart? What sets your company apart? Recently Connect Now Business Network (”CNBN”) reviewed our SWOT analysis.  And it got us to thinking how much this company has grown since it underwent new ownership with Katie McKay a little over a year ago. It took a while to dig past “strengths for any networking group” (and there are many good ones out there) and really focus on what is great about us.  It...


Connect Now was created because we need each other to fulfill our purpose. Life as an entrepreneur can be isolating, and Connect Now is where you can find your circle of support, business owner to business owner, professional to professional, person to person. Whether you are a member, sponsor, or leader, Connect Now is here to help you build your business. Join our community of like-minded business owners and professionals.

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February 18 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Tue 18

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February 18 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
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February 20 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Thu 20

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February 20 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Tue 25

New West Afternoon Zoom

February 25 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

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